Esteban Amaro

/ Chile, 1977 Statement Esteban Amaro’s photography is an exploration of the boundaries of time, space, the 4 elements, and immensity. His focus emphasizes experimentation, contemplation, research, ancestral cultures, and rituals, resulting in a hypnotic and transformative experience. Through his art, the artist manages to encompass both the material and the immaterial, altering the viewer’s […]

Sebastian Riffo Montenegro

Chile 1980.  Statement Sebastian Riffo-Montenegro artistic investigation is based upon the study on the existing relationship between image, message and receptor. By applying theories from anthropology, sociology and consumption behavior spheres, the artist’s technique accomplishes to express an elaborated critique on the culture of consumption and the creation of societal beliefs. The work’s defies and […]

Candela Bado

/ Montevideo, Uruguay, 1991 Statement My work examines the process of unraveling colonialism’s legacies. I investigate the genealogy of visual languages associated with patrimony in order to explore the possibility of decolonizing our relationship with objects that carry cultural value. Growing up in a country which has obliterated its layered identities by focusing exclusively on […]

Mara Faundez

/ Santiago de chile, 1998 Mi interés principal al producir obra, gira entorno a crear una narrativa desde lo anecdótico; utilizando elementos como la figura humana femenina, objetos que indican algo más que su propia ordinariez, y en ocasiones el texto como una segunda imagen. Las temáticas más relevantes apuntan a un imaginario íntimo, temas […]

Candela Bado

/ Montevideo, Uruguay, 1991 Download Dossier A través de mi obra busco interpretar el poder que tienen los objetos y la relación que entablamos con estos. Nutriéndome de lenguajes visuales que manifiestan resistencia a la opresión, elaboro narrativas alternativas que se basan en la imaginación como fuente de conocimiento. El deambular por las calles permite […]