Our consultancy, working together with the client, analyzes the best opportunities in the art market at a national and international level considering the quality, condition and origin of the work of art. We help you find that work of art to fall in love with that also fits your budget.

An artist portfolio is a key tool for a successful visibility and promotion. We offer a formal evaluation of your artistic portfolio, focused on professional criteria. A full evaluation that allows you to improve your work. Focused on how to promote it and the artistic niches you could be most successful.

The role of art in interior design is foundational and fundamental. It is crucial when adding personality to a certain space. Art adds life and completes the environment.
We provide services to interior designers who need to personalize a space and/or visually link a project that they are in charge of. Our services are also focused on architects and other agents looking for a large volume of art pieces at affordable prices. Ideal for hotels, restaurants, corporate offices among others.

Our main goal is to promote contemporary creation. Through specific projects and art sales, we want to promote a new form of art collectors, bringing art closer to a more diverse economic universe.


We do not sell furniture. These images are only illustrative.


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